ABC™ Endonasal Cranial Correction™(ECC™) is part of the Advanced Biostrucural Correction protocol.
The protocol uses an objective testing system to check all areas of the body to find what needs to be treated by the practitioner on that day. Once the body has been thoroughly checked and corrected, there are tests towards the end to check for indicators to do ECC™. These are bones out of position in the skull that the body needs help to correct because there are no muscles to do so itself, we would need muscles on the outside of our head to pull the bones outward.(As explained in the video further down)
If we imagine the skull to be a sphere that has been battered and collapsed from the outside, leaving a skewed and deformed sphere. Normally any trauma to the head is from the outside inwards. Endonasal™ is a way of correcting those areas out from the inside, to restore the shape of the skull. The first person to do this was a Chiropractor, Dr. Richard Stober and the technique was called Bilateral Nasal Specific (BNS). It was then made popular and refined somewhat by another Chiropractor, Dr. Adam del Torto and renamed Cranial Facial Release (CFC). ABC’s ECC™ is a further refinement as it has a way to actually tests which bones are to be corrected, not just releasing all of them, making it more specific to the person.
There is also another “surgical” type method called Balloon Sinuplasty, which deals with skull/sinus deformities, but in a much more aggressive manner. It is done under General Anaesthetic, and it expands all of the sinuses without knowing which need to be done, so it could be considered more of a shotgun method.
How does it work?
ECC™ is part of the ABC™ protocol, as the body is a synchronous unit, it means nothing can be treated in isolation, and each part works in unison with all the other parts of the body. Much like the song of our childhoods, “Dem Bones”, which show the whole skeleton being interconnected. The cranium is not a solid structure. It is made up of a number of bones, most commonly there is one on either side of the skull. One of the exceptions is the Sphenoid bone, which is centrally placed and is connected to almost all of the other cranial bones.
Each of the cranial bones is attached to the others via sutures, which are long jagged like joints that lock together as we grow during childhood.

The balloon is then guided to the correct position and then inflated briefly, this even pressure pushes the bones back to a more suitable position thus achieving structural change of the skull. Its a painless experience but it does feel a bit like being dunked by a wave and having water pushed up the nose. Not particularly pleasant but not a big deal either. Its also very quick.
A colleague in the USA, Dr. Jeff Aberle, has made a lovely video about it, going into the details of it and more detailed anatomy.
What is Endonasal Cranial Correction™ good for?
The reality is there is no robust research for this type of correction of cranial bones, so these condition cannot said to treat any one of the following conditions directly, but anecdotally we have seen many of these change in practice, when ECC™is done as part of the ABC protocol.
Some of the by products of Endonasal we have observed are improvements in:
– Sinus issues
– Bruxism
– Temporomandibular Joint issues
– Migraines and Headaches
– Head pressure
– Breathing issues
– Facial asymmetries
– Crooked nose
– Snoring
– Blocked ears
This is not an exhaustive list, but it gives some idea of some of the benefits others have enjoyed.
Side effects of Endonasal Cranial Correction™
There are few side effects of getting ECC™ done, one common one is a bloody nose. There is often a small amount of blood after the procedure is done, but it comes from the tiny superficial vessels in the nose, these stop bleeding almost immediately. The second type of nose bleed is a heavy one, where the nose has to be plugged to allow it to stop and then the rest of the procedure completed. These are low risk factors.
It is good to talk to your practitioner about your specific case and they can highlight any risks specific to you.
ECC™ is a gentle, quick and effective process that is part of the ABC™ protocol, it isn’t stand alone, but is a key component to addressing structural issues through the body. The above conditions we mentioned are not actually addressed directly by ECC™, but can help accelerate solving the whole puzzle, as the body is a single synchronous unit.
For more details of where to find a practitioner that does this and more information about the process itself, please follow the links below.
If there is any further information that is required, please contact as at
The above information is for information purposes only and does not qualify as medical advice, please speak to your healthcare professional to find out if this is suitable for you.